Jayashrii Holistic Wellness
Today I'm sharing the secret recipe for my delicious Rocket Fuel Green Smoothie which I enjoy daily. If you're looking for incredible energy, glowing skin, your ideal weight and to vibe high... then this one is for you!
Rocket Fuel Green Smoothie
(Rotate the greens you use in place of the spinach - KEEPING the romaine, celery and parsley/cilantro. Also you may rotate the fruit you use, but always KEEP the lemon, & ginger & the banana which gives it body and cancels out any bitter taste of the greens).
Makes Four 16 oz servings. I drink a 32oz serving/day
- 2 cups water
- 1 heart romaine
- 1 cucumber
- 2 stalks celery chopped
- HUGE handful spinach (or broccoli, kale, chard, asparagus, dandelion - or a combo)
- 1/2 bunch cilantro or parsley
- 1 apple chopped
- 1 pear chopped
- 1 banana chunked
- 2” piece fresh ginger root
- 1 lemon peeled, chopped
- stevia or dates to sweeten to taste (optional)
Add the greens and water to (a high speed ideally Vitamix) blender. Blend til smooth. Add 1/2 the fruit. Blend. Add rest of fruit/remaining ingredients. Blend.
Please share your own valuable thoughts, insights and questions on the smoothie or on a plant-based holistic lifestyle in the comments below.
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In grace, light and presence
Love 💕
Live Beautifully
Be well
Jayashrii 💫(Jayashrii is my Sanskrit Yogic name given by my teacher in India)FINDING FREEDOM PODCAST Please feel free to tune in to my FINDING FREEDOM Podcast where I address questions from you! Feel free to listen to the latest Podcast here: Finding Freedom Podcast Don’t forget to submit a topic/question for a future podcast.
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