Namaskaram Dear Friends. Today I thought I'd share this incredibly powerful Karmic Food Pyramid. The standard diet most have been conditioned to consume has nothing to do with what is portrayed here. I've personally found over the years most of what we've been programmed to believe is absolutely backwards. Unplug TV, Netflix and radio. Question everything. Do your own research. Our food is our medicine and our medicine is our food. Don't follow trends. Feel free to ask me questions. But don't believe what I say either. Wisdom is beyond knowledge for knowledge is manmade. Love is beyond wisdom. As we experience higher frequency we make choices from experience. We know when we've accessed wisdom as it resonates deep within.
In love and light 💕
Live Beautifully
Be well
Jayashrii (Juliane) 💫(Jayashrii is my Sanskrit Yogic name given by my teacher in India)Set up Holistic Life & Wellness Coaching
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