These festive and rustic Pear Tartelettes with Dark Chocolate & Caramel are so delectable it feels rather a feat to convey in mere words their divinity... nothing can possibly match the exquisite experience of biting into such a dream! Alas, proceed I must and, fortunately, their sheer memory has already made things easier...
Encapsulating holiday decadence, these tantalizing tartelettes glisten in caramel and drizzles of dark chocolate atop beautiful layers of dried pear tucked inside a cookie-crisp crust finished with clouds of rich, vanilla bean ice-cream. Pear Tartelettes with Dark Chocolate, Caramel & Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream (100% raw & vegan) are not only beautiful to behold I dare say they sing holiday carols to our taste buds with their incredibly vibrant and luxurious flavor. Joy to the World!
The apple (or pear in this case) doesn't fall far from the tree, as the inspiration for these beautiful Pear Tartelettes came from a traditionally cooked pie of the very same name which my husband used to request every holiday, birthday and other opportunity possible. Since he loved it so much it was a necessity to recreate a raw vegan version. Expectations were surpassed by far! This high vibe raw vegan delight is unbelievably BETTER! Of course, I act surprised, perhaps because once upon a time it truly seemed that cooked recipe could not be improved upon if one tried, and yet I'm not. Why wouldn't fresh, living ingredients with 100% of their life force essence completely blow us away!
Pear tartelettes are absolutely phenomenal even without the accompanying Vanilla Bean Ice-cream. However, I'm never disappointed when that small voice of persuasion steers me to take things a step further - and this was no exception. Vanilla Bean Ice-cream is a dream all in itself too! Clouds of pure heaven. And when two dreams unite, as in the case of magical tartelettes topped with pure clouds of heaven, well that's what we call a miracle, fit for celebrations! Both the Tartelettes and the Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream are simple to prepare, though undivided care and attention to each element and sourcing of the very best of ingredients is needed. However, if you're anything like me, cozy, soulful kitchen time when heavenly tastes are a necessary means to perfection, letting go into the process is the reward and the beautiful result is simply one delicious circle of love.
This is my submission to the Tinned Tomatoes & Lisa's Kitchen No Croutons Required + Bookmarked Recipes Challenges and Ren Behan's Simple & in Season!
Recipe for Pear Tartelettes with Dark Chocolate, Caramel & Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream (Raw & Vegan)
(Makes 2 tartelettes)
Raw Vegan Pear Tartelette, Crust & Crumb Topping
- 3 Pears, peeled and thinly sliced (1/8")
- 1 1/4 cup oat groat flour (measure the flour not the groats, grind groats in Vitamix to get flour
- 3/4 cup dates, pitted
- 1 t vanilla powder
- 1 1/2 - 2 T water
- 3 T extra virgin coconut oil
- 2-3 drops lemon essential oil (edible grade only)
- 3/4 t himalayan salt
- 1/4 cup soaked/sprouted/dehydrated walnuts
- 2 T raw coconut crystals
Raw Vegan Caramel Filling
- 1 cup raw cashews soaked overnight
- 1/4 cup raw coconut nectar
- 1/4 cup full fat coconut milk + 1 or 2 T more as needed
- pinch himalayan salt
- 1/2 t vanilla powder
- 1-2 drops lemon essential oil (edible grade only)
Raw Vegan Dark Chocolate
- 1/4 cup raw cacao powder
- 1/4 cup extra virgin coconut oil, melted
- 1/4 t ceylon cinnamon
- pinch of himalayan or celtic sea salt
- stevia to taste (I use barely any here)
Raw Vegan Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream
- 16 oz frozen raw baby thai coconut meat
- 2-3 frozen super ripe bananas
- stevia to taste
- 1/2 t vanilla powder
Dried Pears
- Assemble sliced pears on a teflex sheet of the dehydrator and dry at 115 for 2-3 hours. Alternatively, dry on lowest setting of your oven w/ oven door propped open an inch, for and hour.
Tartelette Crusts
- Process Oat Groat flour, Dates and Vanilla Powder in a food processor until well incorporated and broken down. Add water, essential oil, coconut oil and salt and pulse until fully combined and dough sticks together when pinched between two fingers.
- Take 1/3 of the above mixture and set it aside for latter use in crumb topping.
- Press the remaining 2/3 into two 4" diameter 3/4" deep pie tart tins.
- Place into the dehydrator at 135F for 1 1/2 hours. Turn down to 115 for another hour then remove and set in the freezer. Alternatively, use your oven on lowest setting w/ door propped open an inch for only 1 hour.
Crumb Topping
- Toss the mixture set aside in step 2 above with 1/4 cup chopped walnuts and 2 Tbsp raw coconut crystals until crumb topping coated lumps are achieved. Set aside.
- Blend all the ingredients in a Vitamix until smooth and creamy adding extra coconut milk as necessary to thin. Place mixture in fridge where it will thicken slightly.
Dark Chocolate
- Whisk together all ingredients until completely smooth.
Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream
- Blend all ingredients in Vitamix, using the tamper, until super smooth and creamy. Scoop out into an air tight container and set aside. If storing in freezer, allow to come to room temperature for an hour to thaw and make scoopable, before serving. I actually prefer storing mine in the fridge where it retains a whipped ice-cream texture. This ice-cream does not melt away like traditional making it very nice for entertaining!
Tartelette assembly
- Smear a thin layer of the caramel across the bottom of each tart shell.
- Neatly layer the dried pears inside the two tartelette crusts, smearing a bit of the caramel over each layer, including the top, as you go.
- Sprinkle crumb topping over top.
- Set tartes in freezer for 20 minutes to set.
- Remove from freezer and drizzle tartes with dark chocolate.
- Optional: Drizzle a very TINY amount (1/2 to 1 teaspoon) of coconut nectar across the top for an extra caramel topping affect. Don't go overboard or it will turn into a sticky ooey-gooey mess!
- Place back in freezer for final set. Bring to room temperature for 1 hour before serving.
- Tartelettes can be served whole or sliced into 4 - 6 pieces and topped with Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream. The Vanilla Bean Ice-Cream will not melt at room temperature making these perfect for entertaining!
- Revel with pleasure on a cloud of Sweet Holiday Bliss!
Do you have a holiday favorite you'd like upgraded to a high vibe raw & vegan version? Share in the comments below for the opportunity to have me recreate it for you!
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All Love,
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