+ a simple no-fuss way to serve them at parties!
raw vegan caramel apples
Oh. my. goodness. These Rustic Raw Vegan Caramel Apples might be my favorite thing I've ever eaten to date... WOW! Like you've got to make these asap. So simple. So incredibly delicious. MMMMMMmmmmmmm.
Let's just say I've ALWAYS had a thing for caramel... and this raw vegan version is way yummier! Smear it all over a crisp apple, roll it in your favorite toppings and then drizzle chocolate ganache all over - the ULTIMATE!
Forget that these are healthy, they taste BETTER than anything you've ever had. Forget that they're filled with amazing nutrition and life force that is going to make you feel and look phenomenal, cause the pure utter enjoyment in every bite is enough on its own. Crisp, juicy apple wrapped in thick, gooey caramel, with a light crunch of chopped walnuts and dark, dark chocolate ganache. Again, I've gotta call this treat food fit for the Gods.
And a treat...
Perfect for Autumn, for kiddos, and wonderful for entertaining too! These Rustic Caramel Apples slice right up with ease for display on your favorite platter. Trust, they won't last long!
mind-blowing raw vegan caramel apples w chocolate ganache
I almost skipped over how unbelievable these Ultimate Rustic Caramel Apples are for our bodies, minds and spirit... because they're so darn delicious I don't want anyone to be turned off thinking, if they're so healthy how can they taste so great? However, here's the thing...
Amazing flavor, ultimate health, pure joy and our highest potential beauty & vitality need not be mutually exclusive!
These Caramel Apples are enzymatically alive, containing all the power of life force, and they also happen to be incredible immune boosters thanks to the raw coconut nectar and oil. Coconut nectar is low glycemic (with a GI of 35), gluten free, dairy free, non- GMO, vegan, contains 17 amino acids, minerals, B-vitamins, vitamin C and has a nearly neutral pH. Unprocessed coconut products such as the coconut nectar and oil used in this recipe are brimming with health and immune boosting power including :(1) (2)
- Heart Health: the healthy short chain and medium chain fatty acids along with large amount of lauric acid protect against heart disease.
- Reduction of Sweet Cravings: insulin secretion & utilization of blood glucose is improved while the healthy fat in coconut slows down any rise in blood sugar helping to reduce hypoglycemic cravings.
- Improved Digestion: Absorption of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and amino acids is supported while many symptoms and inflammatory conditions associated with digestive and bowel disorders are improved.
- Quick Energy Boost: Coconut is utilized by the body to actually produce energy rather than to store it as body fat.
- Promotes Healthy Thyroid Function: and helps to relieve symptoms of chronic fatigue.
- Immune Booster: coconut is Hypoallergenic and contains Antibacterial, Antiviral, Antifungal & Anti-parasitic healing properties.
1) http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org
2) http://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/a-new-look-at-coconut-oil/
Please enjoy these beautiful and delicious, high vibration Rustic Raw Vegan Caramel Apples with the freshest most amazing flavor that also feeds our highest potential health, beauty and vitality!
- 4-6 clean, medium sized apples, stems removed
- 4-6 clean sticks from your yard (or use popsicle sticks) for handles
- 3/4 of a cup finely chopped walnuts (preferably sprouted & dehydrated- plus they taste SO much better this way!), coconut or your fav other toppings
Raw Vegan Caramel
- 1/2 cup liquified extra virgin coconut oil (to liquify: set a glass bowl over a small pot of boiling water, add coconut oil & stir til melted) Alternatively, you may sub equivalent dates or date paste which does make for easier adherance onto apple - I just love the taste of the coconut oil- tho both are super yum!
- 1/2 cup raw nut butter (such as almond, cashew, sunflower or pepita butter)
- 1/2 cup raw, organic coconut nectar
- 4 pitted dates
- 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
- 1/4 tsp himalayan salt
Raw Vegan Chocolate Ganache
- 1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil liquified
- 1/2 cup cacao or carob
- 1/2 cup nut butter
- 1/4 tsp ceylon cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp himalayn salt
- a few drops of stevia to taste
- To insert the apple "handles" with ease, first make a slit about 1/3 the way down in the top middle of each apple with a sharp knife, then insert the sticks. Find a small platter and place a sheet of parchment or wax paper on it. You will be placing your apples on this during preparatin to catch excess caramel and chocolate. Place apples in the freezer for 10 minutes as this makes it easy for the caramel to adhere.
- Blend together the caramel ingredients til smooth & creamy. Set in freezer to cool for 5 minutes while preparing chocolate ganache.
- Whisk together the chocolate ganache ingredients until smooth and creamy. The mixture should not be overly runny, so adjust the amount of nut butter as necessary, slightly thicker is best for easy application. Set aside on the counter at room temp.
- Remove apples from freezer and place on your platter. If any of them are unstable, slice a small piece off the bottom to stabalize. Remove caramel from freezer as well & give it a stir to loosen it up a bit.
- With a small metal spatula apply the caramel to each apple, placing each apple on your platter as complete. Put the platter of caramel slathered apples back into the freezer for 5 minutes to set a bit. Don't worry if some of the caramel slides down. Just pat it back up with your finger tips. We'll be covering these babies up with your choice of toppings in a minute and they're RUSTIC!
- Remove apples from freezer once again & take this opportunity to patch any spots where you may want to add a bit more caramel. Roll in your choice of finely chopped nuts, coconut etc. Pop back in the freezer for 10 minutes.
- Remove the apples from the freezer. Whisk your chocolate ganache to be sure it's well incorporated, and then drizzle it about your apples. (If you happen to have a squeeze top bottle use it for even simpler ganache application. Alternatively, place the ganache into a freezer bag, snip the TINIEST of little snips off the corner and then squeeze out the ganache using the freezer bag like a pastry bag.) Once complete, pop apples back in freezer for 5 minutes to set. Then move to fridge for permanent storage.
- For entertaining, slice the apples as shown and arrange on your favorite platter.
**Leftover caramel? Use it as a dipping sauce or smoothie topper! Leftover ganache? Pour into little molds (or onto a wax paper lined surface) & pop into the freezer for instant raw chocolates :)
Do you have any holiday classics you'd like to have me upgrade to a vegan or raw version? Let me know in the comments!
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All Love,
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