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Oh my gosh, I will definitely try these! I had no idea that sauerkraut and kimchi did not require vinegar. Your pictures are beautiful and the little jars are adorable.


Thank you, Pam!
The resulting liquid post fermentation will indeed taste like vinegar. Don't throw it out as it's brimming with all the good probiotics etc.. I use it in place of vinegar in salad dressings. The little jars were from another product purchase - I think Spanish anchovies which I used to love. Do let me know how your sauerkraut or kimchi go! And of course feel free to let me know if you have any questions along the way. If you're nervous the first few go-rounds the Perfect Pickler is a fool-proof method that ensures against any mold etc.

Debra Turner

Hi Juliane,

I must try making this spicy kimchi. Do you use Korean chili powder or just a common chili powder often stocked in an American kitchen. I want to follow your recipe closely. Thanks for posting it. It looks healthy and tasty!


Hi Debra,
Feel free to experiment with any chili powder you like. I use whatever I happen to have on hand. You could also try experimenting with fresh chilis. Thank you for your comment. Have a fantastic summer :)


Hi Juliane, is the perfect pickler a special fermenting pot or just screw on lids? And do these kids help to ferment without mold even if not all the veggies are covered in its juice? Thank for your response in advance. P.s. Can't wait to make it your way now! Sounds like I can do this!ines


Dear Ines,
Thank you so much for your lovely comment and question!
You are correct, the perfect pickler is not a pot, but a set of lids that attach to four different sized mason jars. (click on the link to go to my shop and click to page 3 to get to the perfect pickler for even more details). Yes, with fermentation the veggies must be covered in liquid to create the anaerobic environment. Happy pickling :)
Much love,

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