Raw Vegan Chipotle Onion Rings with Garlic Aioli Dipping Sauce
Who doesn't love the delicious crunch of crispy, battered onion rings?! Get ready for guilt free indulgence with these rings of fire made mega-delish with spicy smoked chipotle paired with THE most amazing Creamy Garlic Aioli Dipping Sauce you've ever had! Seriously, Jim and I can't get enough. They've become a weekly staple - actually I made two batches this week they're that incredible and easy too!
You'd never guess these Raw Vegan Onion Rings are chock full of superfood power!
Fiery Onion Rings with Creamy Aioli Dipping Sauce win hands down for flavor, texture and satisfaction... plus they leave us feeling & looking our best too! I purposely created a nut-free (gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free) batter as even a Living Foods Raw Vegan diet is not healthy if it relies too heavily upon a high calorie, fat-laden, nut based approach. When it comes to fats, too much can be too much no matter the type - a pitfall new Raw Foodists often stumble into. Heavy, nut-centric meals can be very difficult for the digestive system and make it challenging to achieve ideal weight/fitness goals. We all want to look and feel our best while eating delicious, nutritious food, therefore, I aim to develop balanced recipes that deliver absolutely amazing flavor while simultaneously ensuring we don't have to worry about counting calories or offsetting meals with excessive exercise in order to enjoy them.
This Raw Vegan enzyme and nutrient rich recipe is full of incredibly powerful health & beauty enhancing plant-based superfoods. Check out some of the amazing ingredient fun facts & benefits you'll receive while enjoying this delicious combo...
- Onions - Major cancer fighting power. major collagen/hair/nails building power.
- Buckwheat Groats- (I sprouted mine however I include options for skipping sprouting below) - Not actually a grain at all, but a fruit seed. High in protein, flavanoids, magnesium, insoluble fiber, powerful phytonutrients proven to be more powerful than that found in fruits & vegetables, heart protecting lignans and more.
- Chickpeas - (I sprouted mine however I include options for not sprouting below) - Excellent for supporting the digestive tract, contain uniquely powerful antioxidants, decrease risk of cardiovascular disease, regulate blood sugar, improve feelings of satiety, excellent molybdenum &, manganese, very good source of folate & copper, good source of fiber & protein.
- Kale - More iron than beef, high in Vitamin K crucial for bone health, blood clotting and prevention of Alzheimer's, powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, reduces cholesterol levels, high in Vitamins A & C and Calcium, a great detox food filled with fiber & sulfur to keep the liver healthy.
- Carrots - Excellent source of Beta-Carotene for beautiful skin & healthy vision. Carrots also contain falcarinol, a natural toxin that protects carrots against fungal disease and is found in scientific studies to stimulate cancer-fighting mechanisms in the body. Carrot extract has been found useful in combating cognitive dysfunctions and may offer memory improvement as well as cholesterol-lowering benefit.
- Capsaicin in Chipotle (Chili) Peppers- Powerful anti-inflammatory, reduces cholesterol & triglyceride levels and increases body's blood clotting ability. Cultures who use hot pepper liberally have a much lower rate of heart attack, stroke & pulmonary embolism. Protects fats in blood from damage by free radicals, the first step in the development of atherosclerosis. Clears congestion from sinuses and congested lungs. Boosts immunity due to it's high content of beta-carotene and C. Kills the bacteria contributing to stomach ulcers while stimulating the cells lining the stomach to secrete protective juices.
- Hemp Seed- A Super Food. A complete protein with a concentrated balance of proteins, essential fats, vitamins & enzymes with a virtual absence of sugar, starch & saturated fat. Increases and sustains energy, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, reduces inflammation. Improves circulation, immune system and blood sugar control. More easily digested protein than meat, eggs, cheese or other high protein food. High in perfectly balanced essential fats: omega 3, 6 & Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). High in antioxidants, amino acids, fiber, iron, zinc, carotene, B vitamins, Vitamin E. Can be eaten by those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose or sugar as there are no known allergies to hemp foods.
Mmm mmm divine! We just had these Fiery Onion Rings w Creamy Aioli Dipping Sauce on the side of a super delish Raw Vegan Soft-serve Chocolate Shake for a to-live-for lunch!
And, people, let me just talk about the Creamy Aioli Dipping Sauce for a sec. Yes, these onion rings are unbelievably fabulous enough to stand on their own, however, this Creamy Garlic Aioli is phenom! You'll be wanting to dip everything in it - or thinning it out to use it as salad dressing - or slathering it all over your veggie wraps.
To. Live. For!!!
So, a final brief comment before I get to the recipe... I made my onion rings using the absolute highest raw vegan method possible (and it was still super easy) meaning I soaked my chickpeas and buckwheat then sprouted them before turning them into the batter. However, I've included an Express Option for anyone that feels like skipping that step. But, let's be honest about soaking and sprouting - it's literally dumping something into a big bowl of water, letting it sit, draining, rinsing, and letting it sit in a colander and rinsing again. Easy. However, options are good. And, either way you make it, they'll still be brimming with amazing flavor and stunning health and vitality power!
Recipe for Raw Vegan Onion Rings & Creamy Aioli Dipping Sauce
(Serves 4)
Raw Vegan Fiery Onion Ring Batter
- 1 cup dried chickpeas soaked & sprouted* (for Express Method sub 1 cup chickpea flour)
- 3/4 buckwheat groats soaked & sprouted* (for Express Method sub 3/4 cup buckwheat flour)
- 6 kale stems (left over from salads/smoothies or just use 3 whole leaves stem & all. For Express Method sub 1 1/2 Tbsp of your fav Greens Powder)
- 2 medium carrots (for Express Method, sub 2 Tbsp Carrot Powder)
- 1 1/2 inch piece of dried chipotle pepper (or equivalent in powder, starting with 1/2 tsp & taste testing from there )
- 1 teeny tiny (they're like 1/2 inch long) dried habanero chili pepper (or chili powder to taste starting with 1/2 tsp & taste testing batter from there)
- 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil (for Express Method omit or substitute 5 nuts like cashews/brazil nuts/macadamia - don't worry 5 nuts spread across the entire recipe is not a big deal)
- 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder (or to taste)
- 1 tsp sea salt (or to taste)
- 1/2 Tbsp raw coconut sugar (or use raw maple syrup crystals, stevia, raw coconut sugar or your fav sweetener to taste adjusting to account for differences in the strengths)
- 1/2 tsp smoked paprika (reserved for garnishing)
*Soaking & Sprouting Instructions: Place Buckwheat and Chickpeas into two separate bowls, top with filtered water to 3 inches above. Let soak 8-12 hours or overnight. Rinse thoroughly. To Sprout: place Buckwheat and Chickpeas into two separate colanders inside 2 pots, add a 1/2 inch of water to each pot, cover with lids. Let sit for 2 to 3 days rinsing once in the am and pm until sprouts grow to about 1/4". Rinse again thoroughly and they're ready!
Onion Ring Soak
- 1 extra large sweet onion
- 1 1/2 cups filtered water
- 1 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar (or sub fresh squeezed lemon juice)
- 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 Tbsp coconut nectar
- 1 tsp sea salt
Creamy Raw Vegan Garlic Aioli
- 1/2 cup hemp seed
- 1/4 + cup filtered water
- 2 cloves garlic (3 if you like it strong)
- 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar (or sub fresh squeezed lemon juice)
- 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 5 raw cashews
- a touch of raw coconut sugar, stevia or your fav sweetener (start with 1/2 tsp & adjust to taste)
Fiery Raw Vegan Onion Rings
Note: It's best to do steps 1-3 the day before. Then dehydrate your onion rings the day you'll be serving or even a day ahead if you choose as they "reheat" really nicely in 45 minutes in the dehydrator.
- Place all the Onion Ring Batter ingredients into your food processor and pulse until everything is uniformly broken down and well combined, scraping down the sides of your bowl several times. You should have a nice dough when the proccess is complete. You don't want huge chunks of anything. (For Express Method process ingredients into a flour and skip steps 2 and 3)
- Spread the mixture onto a teflex sheet of your dehydrator (I like the Excalibur) and dehydrate at 115 F for 4 hours or until dry, checking periodically as climate/time of year/altitude etc. can vastly affect drying time. Feel free to make the Garlic Aioli at this point.
- Once dry, break the dough into chunks and place into your food processor or Vitamix to process into a fine flour. Divide the flour between two medium bowls and set aside.
- In a medium bowl whisk together the Onion Ring Soak ingredients.
- Separate your extra large onion into rings.
- Dip each onion ring first into the Soaking Liquid, then into the Batter Flour shaking to remove excess, back into the soaking liquid and again into the Batter Flour shaking to remove excess once more. Place each battered ring on a Teflex Sheet Lined dehydrator tray.
- Once all onions are battered, dehydrate on 135 F for 1st hour (Don't worry they'll still be raw as at this point they're throwing off water and the internal temp remains below 115) then turn down to 115F for 2 to 4 hours more, checking on them periodically, until reach desired crispness.*
- Dust onion rings with smoked paprika to garnish.
*There is leeway as to how long you choose to dehydrate the onion rings. They're really delicious both a little moist and quite crunchy & everything in between. I like to remove them when the interior is still a bit moist resembling deep-fried consisency as we put the leftovers in the fridge and "reheat" them in the dehydrator the next day on 135F for 45 minutes which makes them warm and crispier allowing us to enjoy them both ways.
Creamy Garlic Aioli
- Place all the aioli ingredients into your Vitamix and process until smooth and creamy.
- Taste to adjust for seasonings and, if making in advance, add 1 or 2 Tbsp extra water for it to be a bit thinner than desired consistency as it will thicken considerably in the fridge.
Do you have a favorite "traditional" recipe you'd like upgraded into a beautiful Raw Vegan version? Comment below & I'll recreate it for you!
All Love,
Thank you for visiting :)
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