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Dina K.

I just caught the bottom part about peanuts. I had NO idea! My Keira is allergic to feathers & mold-no more toxic peanut butter for her. When I shared this info with her, she was so grossed out and willingly quit peanut butter.

Is sunflower seed butter okay?

Thank you for sharing!

juliane porter

Hi Dina,

Thank you for your awesome comment and question!

Raw almond butter w no additional ingredients is what most turn to as a substitute as it's easy to find and has no additional undesirable ingredients. Almond butter is a good source of protein, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, copper and fiber. It's higher in both fiber and calcium than peanut butter. Almonds cause less acidity in the body than many other nuts. It tastes milder and less salty than peanut butter.

As for sunflower butter it depends on how the butter is made- if it's raw (sprouted is even better!) with no added ingredients that's best.

Personally, I only consume raw nuts, first soaking/sprouting them to release the inhibitory enzymes. Nuts, seeds, and legumes contain these inhibitors as a naturally occurring mechanism to keep from deteriorating. In the presence of moisture this enzyme inhibitor is released and all the great enzymes are released for our consumption. I soak nuts overnight in filtered water and himalayan salt then lay them out in the dehydrator to dry and crisp. They are SO good. They can then be ground in the Vitamix to make butter.

I will buy raw nut butters only as long as they have absolutely no other ingredients added. Raw SPROUTED nut butters are the best - tho harder to come by and pricier.

Let me know if this answers your question. Hope you had a fantastic weekend :)


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