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Maureen | Orgasmic Chef

I love manuka honey. It's also great for wounds that won't heal. Sticky, but it works. I love your truffles!

juliane porter

Thank you for your comment, Maureen. Let me know if you make the truffles. So easy, delish & healthy too:) I've been using "Manuka Doctor", do you have a favorite brand? Have a great week:)
Much love,

Dina K.

Juliane, do you use a dehydrating appliance? I don't have one, would the oven work?

Hope your having a good week :),

juliane porter

Hi Dina,
I do have a dehydrator, specifically, the Excalibur. You can use an oven too, however, just set it on the lowest possible setting (which for my oven is 200F) and then prop the door open. Generally the dehydrator is set on 115F for most recipes as that is the highest temperature which is sure to leave all enzymes/micro/macro-nutrients in tact while also preventing growth of bacteria. Honestly, I use mine mostly just to dehydrate soaked nuts which I then store in my fridge for quite a long period of time til I need a new supply.

It is quite common as individuals progress with eating Living Foods such as I do, to really fall in love with simpler meals so dehydrating isn't as much a part of my food preparation any longer. I start with a big green or vegetable juice in the am. A delicious smoothie for lunch (right now having most amaze mint choc chip smoothie- need to post!) a snack of fresh olives/figs/dates etc. and another vegetable juice and a huge delicious salad for dinner. Many raw foodists go really heavy on the nuts and fats (aka gourmet raw) in the beginning, however this is not actually very healthy -not to mention horrible on digestion (and since 80% of our health is directly related to the cleanliness/health of our colon this is a big deal).

Soooo, back to this recipe. You could make it simple by soaking the nuts overnight (covered with water in a container in the fridge or on the counter) rinsing really well, and then grinding them up as is, in a food processor. I bet this would work, and it would take the dehydration piece right out. Let me know if this turns out for you!

Awesome to hear from you! Have a great day:-)




Juliane - I have been meaning to let you know that I tried this recipe (well, many times at this point). Not only is it easy and fun, but they are SO yummy, and great to pop in a snack baggie on a winter hike. Unfortunately, Simon likes them too, so I have to share :-) Sometimes I do a slight variation for the cacao/maca coating, adding chai-inspired spices, and that is also delicious. Thank you!

juliane Porter

Hi Pam,
I'm happy to hear you two have been enjoying the Nutty Honey Manuka Chocolate Truffles! Definitely a great choice for a winter hike stash. Your chai twist sounds delish - like "My Chai" we were making a while back. Thank you for your comment. Wishing you a fantastic weekend :)

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