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Dina K.

I had fun trying this and really enjoyed the citrus, jalapeno & ginger kick. The only ingredient I had a hard time with is the beet. I've never eaten them before and had a hard time with the strong earthy flavor. Any suggestions to modify this awesome drink?


Hi Dina,

Thank you for your great comment & question. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed this one! As for the beet, just put in a very small amount, maybe 1/8 of a small beet or less, til you can't detect it (this is a great trick for adding any new ingredient for which you may not currently have an affinity). It will still add a powerful amount of nutrition and provide that gorgeous berry color. Then, as your palate grows more accustomed you can add more- though it's not necessary. And of course you can always just leave it out. Another way I make this drink is to put put a very small amount of red cabbage in it. Yes, that's right, cabbage:-) I love it, but again start with such a tiny amount, you don't even know it's there. You could also double the amount of each of the berries, which I often do, and tastes SO good.

Let me know how it works for you.

Much Love,


Dina K.

Excellent! I will try a small amount of beet next time. I did find myself craving sips of this drink. There is something about it that keeps ya coming back for more. probably all of the super nutrients! Really makes you feel good!

Thanks, Juliane!

juliane porter

You're welcome. Actually it's best not to overdo it with beets- or anything else for that matter:-) A study published in the American Heart Association’s Hypertension journal concludes that drinking a small amount of fresh, raw beet juice not only lowers high blood pressure quickly and effectively but could also be a natural approach to reducing future cardiovascular problems. The organic form of nitrate found in beet juice is the source of the vegetable’s blood pressure lowering benefits. The beet's nitrate increases levels of nitric oxide in the circulation. Nitric oxide acts as a biological messenger in the body. Among its functions is to increase blood flow, leading to a lower blood pressure. Only a small amount is necessary to accomplish this- just 250 ml. So a little goes a long way. Also, it isn't recommended for people to drink pure beet juice; instead always mix it with other vegetables, because it can cause detox reactions like hives etc.

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