Essential Ginger Berry Beet Juice
This one's for you, Hovermale!
The Essential Ginger Berry Beet is out of this world delish. It heads into the office with my gorgeous husband at least once a week. A juice with this dark, ruby hue is clearly loaded with antioxidants. Check out the powerhouse of bennies in this mouth watering concoction...
Beta-carotene filled, Kidney cleansing Carrots
Blood purifying Beets
Antioxidant laden Blackberries and Raspberries
Mineral and vitamin rich Green Apple
Cellulite zapping, collagen building, liver cleansing, Vitamin C filled Citrus
Metabolism accelerating Jalapeno (yes that's right)
Detoxifying Ginger Root
& Lauric Acid boasting Coconut Water
Remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "Chew your juice and drink your food." Digestion starts in the mouth with the enzymes in our saliva. Don't waste this liquid gold by gulping it down in two seconds flat, 'cause believe me, it's so tasty you'll be tempted :)
**As for proper food combining, there is more leeway mixing fruits and veg when making a fiber-free juice. That said, there are also those who advise against juicing fruits at all, due to the resulting insulin spike from the sugar in the fruit. (Note: the berries in this juice are in the acid category & extremely low in sugar.) In my experience, I've found the cleaner my body has become (after doing lots of detoxification & commiting to a detoxifying lifestyle) the more freedom I now have with fruit as pertains to food combining, my response to eating more of it, etc. If we want to be purists, we can leave out the berries and orange and take or leave the green apple as it's considered a neutral in the juicing arena (and it's still delicious this way!). Frequently, however, when we first begin juicing, we need recipes which are sweeter tasting to satisfy our taste buds. Eventually we benefit ourselves to enjoy and appreciate the juices which are lower in sugar so we don't cause sugar related health problems as a result of juicing. For all these reasons, I've included mutliple ways to make this juice in the recipe below. However you choose to make it, enjoy the fusion of micronutrients, enzymes and cleansing, beautifying, healthifying deliciousness!
All in the Family, Right to Left: Amazing Greens, Essential Ginger Berry Beet, Epic Thai Baby Coconut Smoothie & Macaccino!
My hubby comes home to a spread of fresh, cold-pressed juices & smoothies daily. Because I use a slow, masticating juicer, they retain their nutrients for 72 hours leaving them perfect the next day. Right to Left: Amazing Greens (Recipe coming soon!), Essential Ginger Berry Beet, Epic Thai Baby Coconut Smoothie & Macaccino!
Recipe for Essential Ginger Berry Beet Juice (2, 32 oz Servings)
Ingredients (all organic):
- 1 Lemon, peeled
- 1 Lime, unpeeled
- 1 small Orange, peeled (leave out if following a purist approach to proper food combining)
- 1 Green Apple
- Ginger, 1" knob or to taste
- Jalapeno, (SO good) small slice to taste & depending on strength of your pepper
- 8 carrots
- 1/2 medium beet (If you haven't yet tried beets or haven't yet developed an affinity for them, use just a very small amount -perhaps 1/8 of a small beet- which will blend into the taste of the other ingredients so you don't taste it. From there, you may opt to gradually include a bit more as your palate adjusts to the earthier flavor)
- 4 to 8 oz. blackberries (leave out if following a purist approach to proper food combining)
- 4 to 8 oz. raspberries or strawberries (leave out if following a purist approach to proper food combining)
- liquid stevia to taste
- coconut water or purified water to thin out to desired consistency
- Wash and cut ingredients into sizes small enough to feed into your juicer.
- Juice ingredients.
- Add coconut water to thin consistency to taste.
- Add liquid stevia to sweeten to taste.
- Enjoy!
This is my submission to the Root Vegetable No Waste Food Challenge at Turquoise Lemons.
Do you juice? Have you ever tried a juice feast?
Much Love
Visiting wine-making friends in Napa Valley. In front of 400 year old tree in front yard.
Coming soon! Completing our adventures in Napa Valley: Dining at Bouchon, Meadowood & Auberge du Soleil plus 3 divine vineyards...
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I had fun trying this and really enjoyed the citrus, jalapeno & ginger kick. The only ingredient I had a hard time with is the beet. I've never eaten them before and had a hard time with the strong earthy flavor. Any suggestions to modify this awesome drink?
Posted by: Dina K. | Thursday, September 05, 2013 at 06:16 PM
Hi Dina,
Thank you for your great comment & question. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed this one! As for the beet, just put in a very small amount, maybe 1/8 of a small beet or less, til you can't detect it (this is a great trick for adding any new ingredient for which you may not currently have an affinity). It will still add a powerful amount of nutrition and provide that gorgeous berry color. Then, as your palate grows more accustomed you can add more- though it's not necessary. And of course you can always just leave it out. Another way I make this drink is to put put a very small amount of red cabbage in it. Yes, that's right, cabbage:-) I love it, but again start with such a tiny amount, you don't even know it's there. You could also double the amount of each of the berries, which I often do, and tastes SO good.
Let me know how it works for you.
Much Love,
Posted by: Juliane | Sunday, September 08, 2013 at 08:17 PM
Excellent! I will try a small amount of beet next time. I did find myself craving sips of this drink. There is something about it that keeps ya coming back for more. probably all of the super nutrients! Really makes you feel good!
Thanks, Juliane!
Posted by: Dina K. | Monday, September 09, 2013 at 04:09 PM
You're welcome. Actually it's best not to overdo it with beets- or anything else for that matter:-) A study published in the American Heart Association’s Hypertension journal concludes that drinking a small amount of fresh, raw beet juice not only lowers high blood pressure quickly and effectively but could also be a natural approach to reducing future cardiovascular problems. The organic form of nitrate found in beet juice is the source of the vegetable’s blood pressure lowering benefits. The beet's nitrate increases levels of nitric oxide in the circulation. Nitric oxide acts as a biological messenger in the body. Among its functions is to increase blood flow, leading to a lower blood pressure. Only a small amount is necessary to accomplish this- just 250 ml. So a little goes a long way. Also, it isn't recommended for people to drink pure beet juice; instead always mix it with other vegetables, because it can cause detox reactions like hives etc.
Posted by: juliane porter | Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 01:30 PM