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Hi Juliane!

In November I took a 21 day gratitude challenge where I needed to write a note each day to a different person and express some gratitude towards them. I thought it would be difficult, but I realized I really didn't thank people enough for even the littlest things they do (like the receptionist at our office) and I also was way late in thanking others for larger things. The response I got from people was overwhelming and truly made me consider my thoughts and actions in the future.
Love your blog! Monica (Wolters) Bruaw


Hi Monica!

What an amazing idea! Love it... and most definitely want to take this one on myself. Isn't it interesting how our expectations going into something can be so different from the actual experience/results? Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful experience and a really awesome idea.

Thanks for your kind compliment on StyleNectar too:-)

Have a fabulous day!




Hello My Dear! It's Kat - I so adore Your message, and, as in the past, am learning from You. I've been keeping a journal, but You've inspired me to redirect it, not suppressing my thoughts/feelings, but to focus on what I hope to become & what I hope can happen. Missing You...However ADORE SEEING YOU HERE!!!
As Always,


Hello Kat!
Thank you so much for your lovely words. I adore seeing you here! I think of you often with great fondness and miss you to pieces. We've always shared such ease of understanding -that ability to connect on the same wavelength in few words. You're an amazing, beautiful woman my dear friend. Such a treat to hear from you:-)
Much love,

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