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Edna N Ramirez

I heard a couple of guys talking about this in the New York subway so I looked it up online and found your page. Thanks. I thought I was right and you confirmed my thoughts. Thanks for the work you've put into this. I'd love to save this and share with my friends.


Wow, those pics are incredibly tasty looking. I want to try making this, but need to stock up on some supplies. What brands of maca (powder?), and cacao powder and nibs do you use?


Thanks Pam! Mine are all Navitas Naturals brand. Do go easy on all three because: A)maca powder is potent B)maca can have a funny taste if you add too much C) cocoa nibs are pretty high calorie so start w/ 1/2-1 tsp or so. It makes a HUGE shake too- tho it will keep you humming along til like 3pm:-) Love, Juliane


Mmmm, sounds so good. I'm contemplating whether adding some organic coconut manna from Nutiva along with the dab of coconut oil for some chocolate-coconutty bliss would be good!


Jules, I think that sounds delicious! Let me know how it turns out. Thanks for visiting and for your comments. Have a lovely day:-) XO's ~Juliane


Hi Edna,
Thanks for sharing! I'm thrilled to meet you here on SN :) Let me know when you make The Happy Shake. Enjoy!
Be well & Live Beautifully!
Much love,

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