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Maureen @ Orgasmic Chef

My mother was waiting for us after school with a snack and milk but she never made this granola! It looks so good!


Hi Maureen, While I do love graham crackers, this granola might have left me feeling a bit more satisfied in the midst of a long day of school & extracurricular activities:) Enjoy! And, as always, so lovely to hear from you:) xoxo ~Juliane



I love this recipe and it's a lot like a kind that I make. The coconut oil gives it such a great subtle flavor. Is there a way to make it non-dairy? I'm not sure about the powdered milk element. Never seen that before. Can you explain how that became an ingredient and what I might substitute for it?

Thank you!

Juliane Porter

Hi Shaughn,

Thank you for your excellent question!

You can definitely leave out the dehydrated milk- it's in there for added sweet, richness. You could also substitute almond milk for the water to replicate a similar affect. I posted this recipe a while ago, before I became dairy & gluten free (in addition to the fact that I now eat a primarily living foods vegan diet).

Some other ways I would now tweak this recipe to suit my current living foods vegan 'foodstyle" would be to use oat groats (soaked overnight) rather than rolled for added nutrition, I'd soak all the nuts and seeds for 6-8 hours to release their enzyme inhibitors and make them more digestible, I'd add a whole mashed banana to the coconut/honey mixture plus some blueberries and I'd spread the entire mixture on a dehydrator sheet of my Excalibur at 105 degrees for at least 16 hours (or longer to increase crunchiness). I'll post a recipe that nails down all the specifics on this Raw Granola very soon- it's also delish and oh so easy.

Whichever way you make it, they're both great recipes. Let me know if you try either of them!

Wishing you a fantastic week:-)

Much Love,


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