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that tom yum soup looks really refreshing.

as for the question of the day...for me it would be "Khao na pet" I don't know if I spelled it correctly? also known as "Red roast duck on rice" it contain boiled rice with roast duck and duck broth on the side. It is served with sliced chillies in soy sauce as a condiment. yummy!


Aprons, Let me know when you make! It's so incredibly simple yet so delicious- the beauty of Asian food. Khao na pet sounds amaze. I love the flavor & crispy skin on duck- + anything that comes w dipping sauces is a big plus;-) Have a beautiful day! ~Juliane


looks good -the soup and your site! i just made some tom yum but i use fresh galanga instead of ginger . I love this soup! i swear eat it everyday for the last 5 years

best wishes alan


Alan, I hear you! I could definitely eat this soup every day! SO good & so light too! thanks for visiting StyleNectar! ~Juliane


Making this tonight!


Hi Pammie, yummy! I'll be right over:) xoxo ~Juliane

Carl Christian

OK Juliane - I'm going to try this one. Will let you know how it turns out.............. Cheers, Carl


Carl, Can't wait to hear all about your adventures in the kitchen... enjoy your weekend! ~Juliane


Hi Pammie, yummy! ..am gonna try this soon


Aprons, Enjoy! Let me know how you like it! PS. I'm Juliane:)


Hey there. This looks delicious, but I must say, this doesn't look like Thom Yum, but rather Thom Ka Gai. Just a heads up.

Juliane Porter

Hi Sam,

Thanks for your comment!

To my recollection, the difference between the two is: Tom Yum has a clear broth Tom Kha has a creamy broth. Sort of the difference between consume and bisque. Other than that I believe Tom Yum is the general name of thai hot and sour soup. Perhaps the addition of the chicken in this version would classify it as Thom Ka Gai?

Let me know if you make it, Sam! Thanks again for your thought provoking comment :-) Have a great week!

All the very best to you!


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