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My pea plants are not quite a foot high yet, so fresh pea soup will have to wait a couple more months :-) However, I'm looking forward to trying this with the frozen ones I have. The pictures you took are beautiful.


Hi PamK! Aw, I know they're so cute! You'll love the soup, you can play around w/ the ingredients; use cream, 1/2 & 1/2, milk and less or more of any of them to alter the flavor/consistency/richness. Thank you for stopping by:-) Xx


I just tried the minted pea soup (using frozen peas) this afternoon - it is delicious. You didn't mention drizzling this one with truffle oil, but I accidentally did. Turned out to be a happy accident. I have a feeling that truffle oil is a special addition to just about everything except ice cream :-) Thank you!


Pamk, Im so glad you loved the Minted Pea Soup. Its so healthy yet luxurious right?! Agreed, truffle oil + a bit of finishing salt takes almost everything up 10 notches. My secret little weapons:-) Love ~Juliane

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