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Meredith Clinton Heinemann

I've never tried apples with cheese other than with Brie...I'll have to try your other suggestions...I do LOVE apple's with brie, sometimes I just melt it for 15 seconds in the microwave to drizzle over the sliced apples...YUM

Molly G

Steel cut oats, sprinkled with the lightest of brown sugars, topped with 5 or 6 blackberries in a pool of organic fat free white milk. Great afternoon snack on a cold winter day!


Mmm-mmm, definitely cant go wrong w/ brie Meredith! I bet you would love Humboldt Fog (if you havent already tried). It's a delicious goat's milk cheese with a brie-like creamy outer edge and a tangy center. Thanks for visiting StyleNectar and stop back soon:-)


A gal after my own heart MollyG! Oatmeal is so warm and comforting:-)

Feast on the Cheap

You definitely named my favorite snack - blue cheese and apples all the way. Though I'm a Granny Smith girl myself


Granny Smith's are my second fav! They're both crisp and consistently good (when organic). Thanks for stopping by and I hope you visit often:-) xoxo ~Juliane

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